Ultralife Corporation has expanded its range of robotics and military batteries with the introduction of a new LiFePO4 power storage device – the URB0023. Its high capacity and low self-discharge rate make it ideal for robots that are required to operate for lengthy periods without access to mains electricity (such as AGVs), or stationary power applications paired with diesel, wind, or solar generators; whilst its rugged modular design is well-suited for transportation on the battlefield.
Rob Brown
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Stackable battery for robotics, miltech and more
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Why choose a bespoke battery charger?
[fa icon="calendar'] 12-Jun-2019 15:02:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Products & Services
High power for the whole battery life
[fa icon="calendar'] 22-May-2019 16:12:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Products & Services
Do you get frustrated that your non-rechargeable battery does not maintain the same level of energy and power for its entire life? Ultralife manufactures a range of products to tackle this requirement. With a range of products on offer, it is important to understand the differences between them to ensure you select the best battery for your needs; down to the chemistry. Ultralife utilize two leading Lithium chemistries – Lithium Thionyl Chloride and Lithium Manganese Dioxide – that are compared here.
Powering Military Medtech
[fa icon="calendar'] 09-May-2019 14:11:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight
Protecting the health of the UK armed forces is crucial and The Defence Medical Services (DMS) 'has an annual budget of circa £500m'. There are many different types of battery powered technology that can assist military personnel in a medical capacity – on, above and outside the battlefield. All of these have different power requirements and getting the power right is essential when a soldier’s livelihood, during or after service, relies on it.
Property Management starts with safety
[fa icon="calendar'] 11-Apr-2019 15:51:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Safety and security industry insight
Approximately 60% of convicted burglars stated the presence of a security system influenced their decision to target another home, according to a report by the University of North Carolina. Therefore, owners of residential or commercial property portfolios should invest in protecting them against theft. Here we look at the traditional and modern home security systems that are available to landlords and property managers – and examine their portable power requirements.
Staying under the 100Wh battery limit
[fa icon="calendar'] 26-Mar-2019 10:37:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Products & Services
How higher capacity cells allow batteries to be
smaller and lighter
The energy rating of rechargeable Lithium batteries has a major impact on the way they can be shipped by air, sea, road or rail. Batteries with an energy rating greater than 100 Watt-hours are subject to more stringent labelling, packaging and paperwork requirements, along with additional training and certification imposed on those personnel offering them for transport.
Advantages of the U1 over lead acid batteries
[fa icon="calendar'] 22-Mar-2019 11:08:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Products & Services
Powering U.S. MilTech overseas
[fa icon="calendar'] 15-Mar-2019 15:18:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight
In conjunction with other NATO countries, the U.S. government is supplying a wealth of electronic devices to help allied forces overseas. As these devices are being used in different countries, it is important to ensure that all of the components accompanying them (including the battery) are suitable for use in different environmental conditions, yet still durable enough for a conflict zone. U.S. battery manufacturer, Ultralife Corporation, produces a range of leading military batteries that meet these requirements.
Batteries to make computer or medical carts smaller
[fa icon="calendar'] 26-Feb-2019 10:13:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Robotics
Computer and medical carts are increasingly used to reduce the need for paperwork in hospitals, warehouses, schools and more. This has resulted in many different types of cart – in hospitals and clinics alone there are Emergency Carts, Anaesthesia Carts, Procedure Carts, Mobile Computing Carts, Medication Carts and more.
However, the main issue restricting their use is lack of space inside a facility or fixed equipment causing an obstruction (a survey conducted by Ergotron and HIMSS Analytics revealed).
Stemming from this, developments in battery technology are paving the way for smaller computer and medical carts.
Ultralife and its subsidiary company, Accutronics, have extensive experience of designing and manufacturing embeddable and hot-swappable battery packs for medical carts, as well as power systems.
Robots in 2019 and their battery needs
[fa icon="calendar'] 14-Feb-2019 15:27:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Robotics
2018 was another year of advancements in the field of robotics, including in the sectors for which Ultralife Corporation manufacture batteries (such as drones, bomb disposal, surgical and logistics). Focusing on those four sectors, we look back at the main robotics developments over the past year and predict the drones and robots we are likely to see emerge in 2019, before discussing whether new batteries will be needed to power them.