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RF Design for Military Radios, Public Safety and Broadcast, and More

[fa icon="calendar'] 13-Jun-2024 11:06:40 / by Stone Junction posted in Military industry insight

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~ Helping data and voice signals to reach areas of no coverage ~

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Charge military or industrial batteries for air shipment

[fa icon="calendar'] 25-Mar-2024 15:28:19 / by Stone Junction posted in Military industry insight

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~ To fly smart UBI-2590 batteries, they must be charged to less than 30 percent ~

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Powering Military Medtech

[fa icon="calendar'] 09-May-2019 14:11:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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Protecting the health of the UK armed forces is crucial and The Defence Medical Services (DMS) 'has an annual budget of circa £500m'.  There are many different types of battery powered technology that can assist military personnel in a medical capacity – on, above and outside the battlefield.  All of these have different power requirements and getting the power right is essential when a soldier’s livelihood, during or after service, relies on it.

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Powering U.S. MilTech overseas

[fa icon="calendar'] 15-Mar-2019 15:18:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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In conjunction with other NATO countries, the U.S. government is supplying a wealth of electronic devices to help allied forces overseas.  As these devices are being used in different countries, it is important to ensure that all of the components accompanying them (including the battery) are suitable for use in different environmental conditions, yet still durable enough for a conflict zone.  U.S. battery manufacturer, Ultralife Corporation, produces a range of leading military batteries that meet these requirements.

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OEMs can benefit from billions & trillions spent by UK & US military

[fa icon="calendar'] 13-Sep-2018 14:51:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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UK military batteries from the home front

[fa icon="calendar'] 07-Jun-2018 15:48:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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For military devices used by the Ministry of Defence, it is geo-politically safer to have components manufactured in the UK, right down to the power source.  As a UK battery designer and manufacturer, Accutronics are ideally placed to supply batteries for devices used by the armed forces, such as covert airfield-landing lights, oxygen concentrators, bomb disposal robotics and drones.

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How soldiers power their military devices

[fa icon="calendar'] 25-Apr-2018 15:33:00 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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~ A look at the high-tech battery that conforms to the shape of the body ~

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Product development for the soldiers of tomorrow

[fa icon="calendar'] 09-Apr-2018 15:18:59 / by Rob Brown posted in Military industry insight

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~ What will soldiers look like in 2028 and how will military tech have changed? ~

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