Ultralife, Accutronics & SWE Blog

Smart Battery Gadget - 'The Data Reader'

Written by Rob Brown | 06-Apr-2016 12:00:00

The rechargeable battery industry isn't known for its gadgets but this Smart Battery Reader is a gadget which becomes invaluable once you have one. 

The EC9600 handheld Smart Battery Reader plugs directly into, and draws power from, any Inspired Energy N-Series smart battery.  The EC9600 is very popular as it allows users to easily access smart battery data by simply plugging in and toggling through the data using one of two buttons, the data is then read on a two line LCD display.  

What many users don't know is that the EC9600 can also be connected directly to a PC and ALL of the battery data transferred to the computer at the touch of a button.  All you need is a serial cable and a PC - the Hyper Terminal application on the PC does all of the hard work for you.

Once you have the reader you will know what your battery is thinking, such as:

  • its state of charge
  • who made it
  • the serial number
  • the calibration status
  • plus a myriad of other information which is important to the smart battery system

If you need to quickly read data from your Inspired Energy battery then the EC9600 is invaluable and it's available to buy online today - once you're up and running you can quickly transfer the data and save the file for later reference - you'll be wishing you'd got one sooner!  

Accutronics are experts in the design, development and manufacture of smart batteries for a wide range of professional applications, if you wish to discuss your latest battery powered product or have questions about the data reader please contact us or visit our website for more information
